The structure of energetic health symptoms
Throughout the years, I have noticed a consistent pattern of elements that make up the structure of energetic symptoms. Not all symptoms are related to direct trauma events, but those that are, tend to have a similar structure. The 5 elements of energetic symptoms are:
The 5 elements of energetic symptoms
1. The physical body. Self-explanatory. One’s body in the present.
2. Energetic body. What surrounds the physical body. The energetic body is not visible; it contains past ‘short circuit patterns’. It is represented in drawings as yellow ‘light’
3. Past traumatic events. Life-threatening events such as accidents, fire, falls, violence. These events create ‘short circuits’ into the automatic nervous system. These events aren’t always in a person’s memory. There may or may not be a conscious memory of the body’s reaction to the event.
4. Short circuit patterns. These patterns are etched onto the energetic body during the past trauma event. These patterns are triggered in the present when the body detects elements/present events that trigger the past, short circuit patterns. Short circuit patterns are represented in drawing as green scribbles.
5. Energetic healing. Treating the ‘short circuit pattern’ on the energetic body so that it may be neutralized so the automatic nervous system can revert to its balanced, natural state.
This 5-step pattern is explicit in the story of Tracy*
Where her reaction to a vaccine led to a grand mal seizure. This shock to her system led to a life-long series of symptoms that resembled Asthma. You can read this story here.
How it starts
A traumatic event in the past
The beginning is some sort of traumatic event. And by traumatic, it doesn't have to be something caused by another person. It doesn’t have to be related to abuse or violence. It could be an accident for example, a car accident or some unexpected event like a fire for example. It is a life-threatening event that threatens homeostatic balance.
A traumatic event/accident causes a ‘short circuit’ in the automatic nervous system
From the drawing on the left:
A. Past event
B. The short circuit pattern from the past event that lives, today, in the a person’s energetic body
C. A representation of the short circuit pattern that lives on a person’s energetic body and affects their health symptoms.
When this traumatic event happens, it gets in printed so to speak into the energetic body. It's imprinted in such a manner that it can rewire the automatic nervous system. Once rewired, the automatic nervous system will have new and more intense reactions to external and internal developments.
The short circuit imprint keeps an ‘environmental picture’
The short circuit imprint keeps a picture of external conditions as well as the internal reaction to the traumatic event.
What is imprinted into the automatic nervous system is a picture, with two levels of information:
( A ) the environmental picture, of external conditions, for example, the weather, a specific chemical, a specific smell, a sound.
( B ) the internal data: pictures of how the body reacted to the trauma event.
This array of internal defenses and environmental data stored in the automatic nervous system will detect similar patterns in the present, and trigger flares and automatic-nervous-system related reactions.
Environmental triggers that match past data will cause present reactions
So going forward, the body will pick up on, and pay attention to any, and all current present events that will then trigger the automatic nervous system to respond in an unconscious manner.
Because these events are often life-threatening, they turn on the fight-or-flight response on the automatic nervous system.
So seemingly random and everyday environmental conditions may cause the automatic nervous system to trigger a ‘red alert’; triggering the same reaction as the 'trauma event’ that created this pattern in the first place.
Sending energy: neutralizing the weight of the past
Treating the energetic body
As far as treatment, it is advisable to of course, resort to traditional medicine in many cases, and in other cases, it is helpful to treat energetically and consciously the event.
By that I mean, treating the energetic body in order to dissolve the short circuit pattern.
In these cases, when I send energy to people, I am actually sending energy to their energetic body so that pattern can be neutralized and lessened.
So that energy can flow into the ‘frozen’ short circuited area and neutralize it. Once this neutralization happens, the body can reset itself into a balanced state.